Progetti di riferimento
This most comprehensive field of solutions and performances convinced the responsible persons of an innovative automobile manufacturer when looking for sheet metal joining technology best suited for a new door model. After many evaluations and successful tests, the decision was in favour of the solid punch rivet technology from TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK. Since many years a trustful relation with TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK as technology supplier exists and good experiences have been made so far.
For the door production the TOX® application engineers tied up an individual performance package which included a few hand-held- and almost 30 robot-supported tong systems. Due to the fact that a great number of base components could be taken from the TOX® standard program, high expenditures for application effort or customised machinery could be avoided so that the investment cost remained within a clearly calculable scope.
For joining this door elements made out of aluminium, solid punch rivets of diameter 5.00 mm and two different lengths (6.00 mm and 8.00 mm) are used.
Complete system for joining with elements based on a TOX®-Robot tongs
IT: +39 02 61039788
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